
Multi-Sports is a fun and exciting way to be introduced to a variety of adapted schoolyard games. Mini Basketball, Red Rover and Tag are just some of the games played at this strictly recreational program.

Children as young as three, along with family members will get a chance to develop and practice wheelchair skills, communication skills as well as develop hand-eye co-ordination. All this while participating in a fun, safe and affordable environment. Children are welcome to bring walkers or other adaptive equipment for some of the games.


- Director of Multi-Sports; Boccia -

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What is Multi-Sports?

Multi-Sports is a program for children ages 3-12 years with physical disabilities as well as their siblings or friends. Parents are also encouraged to play with their children. The emphasis is on fun and learning the skills necessary to play more competitive sports. Co-operative games where children learn to work together and competitive games like tag are also introduced in this program.

Special Day

Every summer, Halton – Peel Cruisers holds Beacham Summer Fun Day! This is a fun, family oriented day full of food, games, music, and socialization. It is open to Cruisers members 4-12 years of age with a physical disability and their siblings.

Registration is required for this event and it is typically held in late August in Brampton.

For more information, please see Beacham Summer Fun Day.

Length of Season

Multi-Sports runs from October to May, and meets once a week.


Tuesdays 6-8pm


Goldcrest Public School

24 Goldcrest Road
Brampton, ON
L6S 1G3

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